Support the Stockbridge Sinfonia
The Stockbridge Sinfonia is a nonprofit, volunteer, community-based organization that depends on the generosity of orchestra and community members for support.
Our concerts are free and open to the public, but free-will contributions will be gratefully accepted. Below are some ways that you can help the Sinfonia.
The Stockbridge Sinfonia invites the community to attend our free concerts. Therefore, we are grateful for financial donations in any amount. The Sinfonia is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is fully deductible as allowed by law. Please ask your employer to match your gift to the orchestra.
Donate by mail:
Stockbridge Sinfonia
c/o Gerold Mohn, Treasurer
44 East Alford Road
West Stockbridge, MA 01266
Concert Sponsorship
The orchestra welcomes business and individual sponsorships of our concerts. Sponsorship includes a variety of possibilities for acknowledgement and reserved seats. Please contact us for more information.
Our Supporters
The 2024 summer series program is supported in part by grants from the cultural councils of Pittsfield, Lee, Stockbridge, Lenox, Great Barrington, Alford/Egremont, Richmond, and West Springfield — local agencies which are supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Other grants come from Berkshire Bank, Greylock Foundation, and The Feigenbaum Foundation, in addition to private individuals’ donations.
Donor Levels
Up to $99
$100 to $499
$500 to $999
$1,000 to $1,999
$2,000 and above
Student Awards
Student awards are given annually to young players displaying both talent and commitment to the orchestra. They are funded through the award funds named below and by many individual donors. The purpose of the awards is to encourage students who play with the Sinfonia in furthering their development as musicians, and to recognize and honor commitment to the ensemble and its goals.
Since 1996, the Sinfonia has awarded over $63,000 in scholarships. Students are encouraged to use the awards for lessons, music, concert tickets, and music-related equipment. Award values range from $50 to a maximum of $500 as funds allow.
Named Awards
Albert, Adele and Gordon Ludwig Award: Given each year in Al’s memory to a student who demonstrates passion and commitment to the orchestra.
Bernice Black Award: Given each year to a student who plays the violin or viola and who demonstrates leadership and mentoring skills.
Ed Bowe Award: Given each year to a student who is committed to excellence in performance with priority being given to students who play a woodwind instrument.
Dick Perera Award: Given to the student(s) who exemplify hard work, kindness towards all, willingness to support the orchestra, and dedication towards mastering the music.
Simeon Loring Award: Given to the student who has shown the greatest advancement in playing ability and who has been most helpful in the overall mission of the orchestra in terms of both volunteer and musical efforts.
“Sinfonia is a place where I can improve my music skills by practicing every week with a group, meeting new people + making connections, and making wonderful music to share with our community.”
Other Ways to Help
We invite community members to join our Friends of the Sinfonia program. Friends volunteer to help at concerts, contribute refreshments to our after-concert receptions, and assist with other special projects. Please contact us for more information about volunteering.
Instrument Donations
Special thanks to Betsy Strauch for her generous donation of a viola made by Jun Suh Park under the tutelage of Tschu Ho Lee (1988) — and a viola bow, made by K. Altman. In 2023 it was played by Nathan Cracolici.
The bow is round and fashioned of Pernambuco. It weighs 71.0 grams. The frog is made of ebony and is mounted in silver. The sides of the frog display a Parisian eye. The three-part button is made of silver and ebony.
The viola has a two-piece back with medium flames that descend slightly from the center joint. The flames on the ribs and scroll are similar to those on the back. The two-piece top has medium wide grain. The varnish is brown orange and the body length of the viola is 16 inches.